JavaTM Management Extensions 1.2 Reference Implementation and Tools API

JMX 1.2 Specification Packages Provides the core JMX classes. Provides the classes which implement advanced dynamic loading. Provides the definition of the ModelMBean classes. Provides the definition of the monitor classes. Provides the open data types and open mbean descriptors classes. Provides the definition of the Relation service. Provides the definition of the Timer MBean.

Tools Binary Contribution Packages
com.sun.jdmk Provides specific classes to Sun JMX Tools Contribution: Miscellaneous classes.
com.sun.jdmk.comm Provides specific classes to Sun JMX Tools Contribution: Html Adaptor classes.
com.sun.jdmk.defaults Provides specific classes to Sun JMX Tools Contribution: Utility classes.
com.sun.jdmk.trace Provides specific classes to Sun JMX Tools Contribution: Trace classes used by the tools.


JMX 1.2_8   2002.10.31_20:03:55_MET

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