Class JdmkProperties


public class JdmkProperties
extends Object

This class reads a file containing the property list defined for Java DMK and adds all the read properties to the list of system properties.

JDMK 5.0
1.3 05/24/02
Sun Microsystems, Inc

Field Summary
static String ACL_FILE
          References the property that specifies the ACL file used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.
static String JMX_IMPL_NAME
          References the property that specifies the full name of this product implementing the JMX specification.
static String JMX_IMPL_VENDOR
          References the property that specifies the name of the vendor of this product implementing the JMX specification.
static String JMX_IMPL_VERSION
          References the property that specifies the version of this product implementing the JMX specification.
static String JMX_SPEC_NAME
          References the property that specifies the full name of the JMX specification implemented by this product.
static String JMX_SPEC_VENDOR
          References the property that specifies the vendor of the JMX specification implemented by this product.
static String JMX_SPEC_VERSION
          References the property that specifies the version of the JMX specification implemented by this product.
static String MIB_CORE_FILE
          References the property that specifies the default mib_core file used by the mibgen compiler.
static String MLET_LIB_DIR
          References the property that specifies the directory where the native libraries will be stored before the MLet Service loads them into memory.
static String SECURITY_FILE
          References the property that specifies the Security file used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.
static String SSL_CIPHER_SUITE
          References the property that specifies the SSL cipher suites to be enabled by the HTTP/SSL connector.
static String UACL_FILE
          References the property that specifies the User ACL file used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.
Method Summary
static void load(String file)
          Reads the Java DMK property list from a file and adds the read properties as system properties.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String MLET_LIB_DIR
References the property that specifies the directory where the native libraries will be stored before the MLet Service loads them into memory.

Property Name: jmx.mlet.library.dir

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String ACL_FILE
References the property that specifies the ACL file used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.

Property Name: jdmk.acl.file

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SECURITY_FILE
References the property that specifies the Security file used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.

Property Name:

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String UACL_FILE
References the property that specifies the User ACL file used by the SNMP protocol adaptor.

Property Name: jdmk.uacl.file

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MIB_CORE_FILE
References the property that specifies the default mib_core file used by the mibgen compiler.

Property Name: mibcore.file

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMX_SPEC_NAME
References the property that specifies the full name of the JMX specification implemented by this product.

Property Name:

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMX_SPEC_VERSION
References the property that specifies the version of the JMX specification implemented by this product.

Property Name: jmx.specification.version

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMX_SPEC_VENDOR
References the property that specifies the vendor of the JMX specification implemented by this product.

Property Name: jmx.specification.vendor

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMX_IMPL_NAME
References the property that specifies the full name of this product implementing the JMX specification.

Property Name:

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMX_IMPL_VENDOR
References the property that specifies the name of the vendor of this product implementing the JMX specification.

Property Name: jmx.implementation.vendor

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String JMX_IMPL_VERSION
References the property that specifies the version of this product implementing the JMX specification.

Property Name: jmx.implementation.version

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String SSL_CIPHER_SUITE
References the property that specifies the SSL cipher suites to be enabled by the HTTP/SSL connector.

Property Name: jdmk.ssl.cipher.suite.

The list of SSL cipher suites is specified in the format:

jdmk.ssl.cipher.suite.<n>=<cipher suite name>

For example:

. . .

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public static void load(String file)
                 throws IOException
Reads the Java DMK property list from a file and adds the read properties as system properties.


JMX 1.2_8   2002.10.31_20:03:55_MET

Copyright 1999-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc.   901 San Antonio Road Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A.   All Rights Reserved.