Uses of Class

Packages that use RuntimeOperationsException Provides the core JMX classes Provides the definition of the ModelMBean classes

Uses of RuntimeOperationsException in

Methods in that throw RuntimeOperationsException
 void PersistentMBean.load()
          Instantiates thisMBean instance with the data found for the MBean in the persistent store.
          Captures the current state of this MBean instance and writes it out to the persistent store.
 Object Descriptor.getFieldValue(String fieldName)
          Returns the value for a specific fieldname.
 void Descriptor.setField(String fieldName, Object fieldValue)
          Sets the value for a specific fieldname.
 void Descriptor.setFields(String[] fieldNames, Object[] fieldValues)
          Sets all Fields in the list to the new value in with the same index in the fieldValue array.
 Object Descriptor.clone()
          Returns a new Descriptor which is a duplicate of the Descriptor.
 boolean Descriptor.isValid()
          Returns true if all of the fields have legal values given their names.

Uses of RuntimeOperationsException in

Methods in that throw RuntimeOperationsException
 Descriptor[] ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getDescriptors(String inDescriptorType)
 void ModelMBeanInfoSupport.setDescriptors(Descriptor[] inDescriptors)
 Descriptor ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getDescriptor(String inDescriptorName)
          Returns a Descriptor requested by name.
 Descriptor ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getDescriptor(String inDescriptorName, String inDescriptorType)
 void ModelMBeanInfoSupport.setDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor, String inDescriptorType)
 ModelMBeanAttributeInfo ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getAttribute(String inName)
 ModelMBeanOperationInfo ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getOperation(String inName)
 ModelMBeanConstructorInfo ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getConstructor(String inName)
          Returns the ModelMBeanConstructorInfo requested by name.
 ModelMBeanNotificationInfo ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getNotification(String inName)
 Descriptor ModelMBeanInfoSupport.getMBeanDescriptor()
 void ModelMBeanInfoSupport.setMBeanDescriptor(Descriptor inMBeanDescriptor)
 void RequiredModelMBean.setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo mbi)
          Initializes a ModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in.
 void RequiredModelMBean.setManagedResource(Object mr, String mr_type)
          Sets the instance handle of the object against which to execute all methods in this ModelMBean management interface (MBeanInfo and Descriptors).
 void RequiredModelMBean.load()
          Persistence is not supported by the this Model MBean implementation.
          Persistence is not supported by the this Model MBean implementation.
 void RequiredModelMBean.sendNotification(Notification ntfyObj)
 void RequiredModelMBean.sendNotification(String ntfyText)
 void RequiredModelMBean.addAttributeChangeNotificationListener(NotificationListener inlistener, String inAttributeName, Object inhandback)
 void RequiredModelMBean.removeAttributeChangeNotificationListener(NotificationListener inlistener, String inAttributeName)
 void RequiredModelMBean.sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification ntfyObj)
 void RequiredModelMBean.sendAttributeChangeNotification(Attribute inOldVal, Attribute inNewVal)
 Object DescriptorSupport.getFieldValue(String inFieldName)
          Returns the value for a specific fieldname.
 void DescriptorSupport.setField(String inFieldName, Object fieldValue)
          Sets the string value for a specific fieldname.
 void DescriptorSupport.setFields(String[] fieldNames, Object[] fieldValues)
          Sets all Fields in the list to the new value in with the same index in the fieldValue array.
 Object DescriptorSupport.clone()
          Returns a new Descriptor which is a duplicate of the Descriptor.
 boolean DescriptorSupport.isValid()
          Returns true if all of the fields have legal values given their names.
 Descriptor[] ModelMBeanInfo.getDescriptors(String inDescriptorType)
          Returns a Descriptor array consisting of all Descriptors for the ModelMBeanInfo of type inDescriptorType.
 void ModelMBeanInfo.setDescriptors(Descriptor[] inDescriptors)
          Adds or replaces descriptors in the ModelMBeanInfo.
 Descriptor ModelMBeanInfo.getDescriptor(String inDescriptorName, String inDescriptorType)
          Returns a Descriptor requested by name and descriptorType.
 void ModelMBeanInfo.setDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor, String inDescriptorType)
          Sets descriptors in the info array of type inDescriptorType for the ModelMBean.
 Descriptor ModelMBeanInfo.getMBeanDescriptor()
          Returns the ModelMBean's descriptor which contains MBean wide policies.
 void ModelMBeanInfo.setMBeanDescriptor(Descriptor inDescriptor)
          Sets the ModelMBean's descriptor.
 ModelMBeanAttributeInfo ModelMBeanInfo.getAttribute(String inName)
          Returns a ModelMBeanAttributeInfo requested by name.
 ModelMBeanOperationInfo ModelMBeanInfo.getOperation(String inName)
          Returns a ModelMBeanOperationInfo requested by name.
 ModelMBeanNotificationInfo ModelMBeanInfo.getNotification(String inName)
          Returns a ModelMBeanNotificationInfo requested by name.
 void ModelMBean.setModelMBeanInfo(ModelMBeanInfo inModelMBeanInfo)
          Initializes a ModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in.
 void ModelMBean.setManagedResource(Object mr, String mr_type)
          Sets the instance handle of the object against which to execute all methods in this ModelMBean management interface (MBeanInfo and Descriptors).
 void ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.sendNotification(Notification ntfyObj)
          Sends a Notification which is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean as a jmx.modelmbean.generic notification.
 void ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.sendNotification(String ntfyText)
          Sends a Notification which contains the text string that is passed in to the registered Notification listeners on the ModelMBean.
 void ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.sendAttributeChangeNotification(AttributeChangeNotification notification)
          Sends an attributeChangeNotification which is passed in to the registered attributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.
 void ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.sendAttributeChangeNotification(Attribute oldValue, Attribute newValue)
          Sends an attributeChangeNotification which contains the old value and new value for the attribute to the registered AttributeChangeNotification listeners on the ModelMBean.
 void ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.addAttributeChangeNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, String attributeName, Object handback)
          Registers an object which implements the NotificationListener interface as a listener.
 void ModelMBeanNotificationBroadcaster.removeAttributeChangeNotificationListener(NotificationListener listener, String attributeName)
          Removes a listener for attributeChangeNotifications from the RequiredModelMBean.

Constructors in that throw RuntimeOperationsException
          Constructs an RequiredModelMBean with an empty ModelMBeanInfo.
RequiredModelMBean(ModelMBeanInfo mbi)
          Constructs a RequiredModelMBean object using ModelMBeanInfo passed in.
DescriptorSupport(int initNumFields)
          Descriptor constructor.
DescriptorSupport(String inStr)
          Descriptor constructor taking an XML String.
DescriptorSupport(String[] fieldNames, Object[] fieldValues)
          Constructor taking field names and field values.

JMX 1.2_8   2002.10.31_20:03:55_MET

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