Uses of Class

Packages that use RoleNotFoundException Provides the definition of the Relation service

Uses of RoleNotFoundException in

Methods in that throw RoleNotFoundException
 List RelationSupport.getRole(String theRoleName)
          Retrieves role value for given role name.
 Integer RelationSupport.getRoleCardinality(String theRoleName)
          Returns the number of MBeans currently referenced in the given role.
 void RelationSupport.setRole(Role theRole)
          Sets the given role.
 void RelationSupport.handleMBeanUnregistration(ObjectName theObjName, String theRoleName)
          Callback used by the Relation Service when a MBean referenced in a role is unregistered.
 void RelationService.createRelation(String theRelId, String theRelTypeName, RoleList theRoleList)
          Creates a simple relation (represented by a RelationSupport object) of given relation type, and adds it in the Relation Service.
 void RelationService.addRelation(ObjectName theRelObjectName)
          Adds an MBean created by the user (and registered by him in the MBean Server) as a relation in the Relation Service.
 List RelationService.getRole(String theRelId, String theRoleName)
          Retrieves role value for given role name in given relation.
 Integer RelationService.getRoleCardinality(String theRelId, String theRoleName)
          Retrieves the number of MBeans currently referenced in the given role.
 void RelationService.setRole(String theRelId, Role theRole)
          Sets the given role in given relation.
 void RelationServiceMBean.createRelation(String theRelId, String theRelTypeName, RoleList theRoleList)
          Creates a simple relation (represented by a RelationSupport object) of given relation type, and adds it in the Relation Service.
 void RelationServiceMBean.addRelation(ObjectName theRelObjectName)
          Adds an MBean created by the user (and registered by him in the MBean Server) as a relation in the Relation Service.
 List RelationServiceMBean.getRole(String theRelId, String theRoleName)
          Retrieves role value for given role name in given relation.
 Integer RelationServiceMBean.getRoleCardinality(String theRelId, String theRoleName)
          Retrieves the number of MBeans currently referenced in the given role.
 void RelationServiceMBean.setRole(String theRelId, Role theRole)
          Sets the given role in given relation.
 List Relation.getRole(String theRoleName)
          Retrieves role value for given role name.
 Integer Relation.getRoleCardinality(String theRoleName)
          Returns the number of MBeans currently referenced in the given role.
 void Relation.setRole(Role theRole)
          Sets the given role.
 void Relation.handleMBeanUnregistration(ObjectName theObjName, String theRoleName)
          Callback used by the Relation Service when a MBean referenced in a role is unregistered.

JMX 1.2_8   2002.10.31_20:03:55_MET

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