Uses of Class

Packages that use JMException
com.sun.jdmk.comm Provides specific classes to Sun JMX Tools Contribution: Html Adaptor classes. Provides the core JMX classes Provides the open data types and open mbean descriptors classes. Provides the definition of the Relation service

Uses of JMException in com.sun.jdmk.comm

Subclasses of JMException in com.sun.jdmk.comm
 class MalformedHttpException
          Exception thrown when some HTTP data cannot be decoded.

Uses of JMException in

Subclasses of JMException in
 class AttributeNotFoundException
          The specified attribute does not exist or cannot be retrieved.
 class InstanceAlreadyExistsException
          The MBean is already registered in the repository.
 class InstanceNotFoundException
          The specified MBean does not exist in the repository.
 class IntrospectionException
          An exception occurred during the introspection of an MBean.
 class InvalidAttributeValueException
          The value specified is not valid for the attribute.
 class ListenerNotFoundException
          The specified MBean listener does not exist in the repository.
 class MalformedObjectNameException
          The format of the string does not correspond to a valid ObjectName.
 class MBeanException
          Represents "user defined" exceptions thrown by MBean methods in the agent.
 class MBeanRegistrationException
          Wraps exceptions thrown by the preRegister(), preDeregister() methods of the MBeanRegistration interface.
 class NotCompliantMBeanException
          Exception which occurs when trying to register an object in the MBean server that is not a JMX compliant MBean.
 class OperationsException
          Represents exceptions thrown in the MBean server when performing operations on MBeans.
 class ReflectionException
          Represents exceptions thrown in the MBean server when using the java.lang.reflect classes to invoke methods on MBeans.
 class ServiceNotFoundException
          Represents exceptions raised when a requested service is not supported.

Uses of JMException in

Subclasses of JMException in
 class OpenDataException
          This checked exception is thrown when an open type, an open data or an open MBean metadata info instance could not be constructed because one or more validity constraints were not met.

Uses of JMException in

Subclasses of JMException in
 class InvalidRelationIdException
          This exception is raised when relation id provided for a relation is already used.
 class InvalidRelationServiceException
          This exception is raised when an invalid Relation Service is provided.
 class InvalidRelationTypeException
          Invalid relation type.
 class InvalidRoleInfoException
          This exception is raised when, in a role info, its minimum degree is greater than its maximum degree.
 class InvalidRoleValueException
          Role value is invalid.
 class RelationException
          This class is the superclass of any exception which can be raised during relation management.
 class RelationNotFoundException
          This exception is raised when there is no relation for a given relation id in a Relation Service.
 class RelationServiceNotRegisteredException
          This exception is raised when an access is done to the Relation Service and that one is not registered.
 class RelationTypeNotFoundException
          This exception is raised when there is no relation type with given name in Relation Service.
 class RoleInfoNotFoundException
          This exception is raised when there is no role info with given name in a given relation type.
 class RoleNotFoundException
          This exception is raised when a role in a relation does not exist, or is not readable, or is not settable.

JMX 1.2_8   2002.10.31_20:03:55_MET

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